• The Angel Network Luncheon

    Angel Network LuncheonThe Angel Network

    What a privilege to be invited to speak at a luncheon in Sydney to raise funds for the Angel Network. The Angel Network is committed to helping alleviate poverty and social injustice in South Africa, and raises funds for soup kitchens, creches and more. I was deeply moved by the warmth and goodwill in the room, and the incredible work this organisation does.

    Read More About The Angel Network

  • On The Move

    on the move

    THE DOCTOR’S WIFE has been on the move! What a fun-filled few months I’ve had in New Zealand and abroad, sharing my latest novel with audiences . . . Auckland Writers Festival, Whanganui Writers Festival, BAD Crime Writers Festival Sydney, and more.

    I have so enjoyed the opportunity to meet readers and fellow writers. But now it’s back to my desk to complete my fifth novel.

  • Cover Reveal

    cover reveal

    Loving the cover for the UK edition of ‘The Doctor’s Wife’, titled IN SICKNESS AND IN HEALTH. Out in the UK February 2024!

  • ngaio marsh award shortlist

    ngaio marsh award shortlist

    THE DOCTOR’S WIFE has been shortlisted for the Ngaio Marsh Award for Best Novel. What great company to be in.

  • Bestie Collection

    Bestie Collectionbestie collection

    I’m delighted that THE DOCTOR’S WIFE has been chosen as one of the ten bestselling books to be included in Auckland Libraries, inaugural BESTIE collection. “Our brand-new Bestie collection is designed to help readers access the best new books without waiting in the holds queue!

    To find out more about this awesome initiative that makes bestselling books easier to access, click on the link: Bestie Collection.

  • free author event WE READ AUCKLAND

    free author event: WE READ AUCKLAND

    Join Fiona Sussman (The Doctor’s Wife) and Megan Nicol Reed (One of Those Mothers) as they discuss their sharply observed domestic noir novels with writer Erica Stretton. When crimes, secrets and lies corrode the trust that close-knit communities rely on, families and friendships start to fall apart.

    August 11th 2023, 6pm

    Tickets are FREE. For more information and how to book, click on the link: SUBURBAN SECRETS. It would be great to see you!